Anxiety & Perfectionism

Anxiety and Perfectionism – a toxic duo

Often the anxiety and perfectionism pattern begins in childhood. Subtle or overt pressure to perform, succeed, win at all costs. No one is perfect, and no one needs to be! The corresponding anxiety when perfection is not attained drives the perfectionism into higher gear. And around it goes. With conscious awareness and energy clearing you can free yourself from the anxiety and perfectionism pattern, and you’re definitely worth it!


Your Reaction is a Mask

In this post, I share about my anger pattern, and how I’ve used energy work to outgrow it. We’ll talk about what’s hiding behind your reactions and go-to emotions.

astral body

What is the Astral Body?

The astral body is the energy system for our emotional experience. In this article we discuss energy density, the 7 chakras of your astral body, your aura and somatization (aka what happens when you repress emotions).


You Already Read Energy

Clairvoyance is the ability to read energy visually. And while some have a natural ability, it’s not a gift. It’s a skill. And it truly can be learned.

Triggered? Let’s Clear That

If you know what patterns, behaviors and triggers you’ve got, but don’t know what to do to effect a change, you’re at their mercy until you figure out how to release them. So, would you rather live with them or release them?

Be Your Own Healer!

Well now, what does that mean, exactly? Is CK advocating that you go back to school and become a doctor, nurse, therapist, psychologist? No. Not really. After all, I’d have to walk that talk, and you wouldn’t catch me spending my precious time that way! CK is advocating taking up your own work within yourself, … Read more

Anxiety Needn’t Hijack Your Life!

One of Energy Healing Institute’s recent students is anticipating a major life change – he’s moving across the country to complete his college degree. He wrote me about his upcoming move, stating that his head plays games with him when he contemplates big changes, causing him to feel anxious, overwhelmed. It made me smile, not … Read more

Anxiety – Stopping the Madness, Part 2

In the last post, I described the process for closing down an overactive vibratorium – the 2nd chakra oscillating magnet attracting energies that match your go-to emotions.  I’ve been using anxiety as the emotion of choice to illustrate the point about setting the 2nd chakra between 10 and 25% open.  (Most of us run around with our … Read more

Anxiety – Stopping the Madness, Part 1

Anxiety.  It’s a  7-letter word.  All of us experience it, some more than others. When I ask people to describe their anxiety, I often learn that it feels like a pressurized bubble located somewhere in the range of the neck to the groin.  The pressure and pushing increases, and the breath gets shallow, the butterflies … Read more