energy healing practitioner

How Energy Practitioners Support Evolution

Practitioners in various modalities choose to integrate energy healing into their work because of the ubiquitous nature of energy as root cause of all disease, illness, mental, emotional and spiritual issues. Can a tree, bird, chair or person exist without energy? No. Not possible. Neither can an illness, disease or mental blockage. Whatever your expertise, energy is in the room with you.


You Already Read Energy

Clairvoyance is the ability to read energy visually. And while some have a natural ability, it’s not a gift. It’s a skill. And it truly can be learned.

The Hard Work is Upon Us

If you are an energy healing practitioner, bodyworker, therapist or any kind of healing practitioner, I know your clients are leaning heavily on you these days. I heard that leading up to the election, people who typically see their therapist once a month have gone once a week, and clients who typically schedule once a week are going every day. So, … Read more