Before You Make Resolutions…

Here’s the thing: Now is a great time to reflect on your life and on what you want to create and on who you want to be. And it is a great time to use that knowledge to fuel changes in behavior. New Year’s Eve reminds us to do this work.

Be Your Own Healer!

Well now, what does that mean, exactly? Is CK advocating that you go back to school and become a doctor, nurse, therapist, psychologist? No. Not really. After all, I’d have to walk that talk, and you wouldn’t catch me spending my precious time that way! CK is advocating taking up your own work within yourself, … Read more

Attention: Intention

If energy flows where attention goes, what role does intention play?

Do you attend to what you’d like to create? Or do you attend to what you don’t want to create?

Here’s some things CK’s heard recently from clients and students:

  • I don’t want to work at my dead-end job anymore.
  • I am tired of being broke and having no disposable income.
  • I want to meet someone through online dating who isn’t a loser.
  • I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired.

Yup. Negative intentions. Every last one of them. What’s interesting about this? Each person was sharing what they’re continually creating and DON’T WANT. What’s also interesting? These negative intentions can easily be turned into positive intentions. Like this:

  • I am actively pursuing work opportunities that offer growth, new learning and professional advancement.
  • I generate positive cash flow and savings through effective money management and attention to my finances.
  • I attract people who resonate with me and my interests.
  • I am healthy, vibrant, whole and vital.

Yup. Positive intentions. Every last one of them.

Now, here’s the thing:

You can SAY anything you want – negative or positive. (Really, CK has no ability to change what you say.) BUT YOU CAN. What you SAY makes a difference.

And know this:

Even if you SAY everything in positive, affirmative words, terms and tone, if you BELIEVE something different, your affirmations and intentions are just words.

Dammit, CK! Do you mean to say that I have to pay attention to both what I SAY and what I BELIEVE?

What do you want to create?
What do you want to create?

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Taking Care

Chakra Khan is taking care. Right now. Taking care to let the muse rest and regenerate. Taking care to nurture a healing heart. Taking care to honor passages large and small. Taking care to meditate, clear energy, exercise, eat cleanly, breathe. Taking care of business transitions. Taking care. So many passages. Two young, beautiful, beloved … Read more

Serendipitous Manifestation

Four months ago, CK developed a pain in her left shoulder that eventually led to a frozen shoulder.  There’s lots and lots to talk about here with the mind-body connection, but at the moment, the focus is on Serendipitous Manifestation, so hang on to the mind-body concepts for a later post – like next week’s, … Read more

Harvesting Healings

Living in Southern Maine, CK is acutely aware that fall is enroute and winter is a tad behind that.  There’s a lot to do to get ready for the quiet and stillness of land at rest.  And the process of putting our teensy little farm to rest for the winter begins now. The summer veggies … Read more

Worrying is Like Praying

Worrying is Like Praying… Well, that was just a partial statement, hence the …. Here’s the rest of the statement: Worrying is Like Praying…for something you don’t want to happen! My friend and co-beekeeper Sue sent me that quote earlier this week. It came on the heels of a meeting with a client, Lucy. Lucy … Read more

What’s it Gonna Be – Resolution or Intention?

Have you made your New Year’s resolutions yet?  How long is your list?  I remember doing a list in my 30’s that had about 17 things on it.  Within a month, I was 0 for 17.  And then I gave up resolutions altogether. Here’s a definition for ‘resolution.’  1. The process of resolving something, such … Read more