practitioner burnout empathic healing

The Hidden Costs of Empathic Healing

A psychologist’s case of burnout: A PhD psychologist, she knew the implications of countertransference and maintained impeccable personal and professional boundaries. Yet she was burning out. This was at a critical juncture in her professional life. Burnout is common among healing professionals: bodyworkers, fitness and yoga instructors, Reiki Masters, spiritual counselors, tattoo artists. Because practitioners assist, support, advocate, advise and guide, they are often awash in their clients’ emotions.

solstice shortest day of the year

Solstice Meditation

Celebrating solstice: In honor of the return to the light, the flow of the seasons and the grace of the quiet stillness of winter, please join me in this brief meditation to surrender inner darkness and illuminate inner light.

psychic awareness reiki

Feeling Disconnected and Isolated

A good question from a Reddit user: I recently received my Reiki level 2 attunment, and ever since I have been having very strange emotional side affects that I wanted to get your opinion on…

Causal Body Mental

What is the Causal Body?

Your Mental / Causal energy body is amazingly detailed and includes karmic load, belief system, concrete intellect, higher mind as well cell function and body processes.

astral body

What is the Astral Body?

The astral body is the energy system for our emotional experience. In this article we discuss energy density, the 7 chakras of your astral body, your aura and somatization (aka what happens when you repress emotions).

Energetic Cords Deplete Your Energy

Clearing Cords

When you’re connected to another person, their energy can energize or deplete you. Practice clearing cords to free up your own energy.

Jill Leigh Recommended Reading picture

The Books On My Nightstand

People often ask what books I’m reading. Right now, I keep my nightstand covered with books old and new. I only retain books I want to read again. All others land in a neighborhood book kiosk, or at the famous Powell’s Bookstore here in Portland, Oregon.

Seven Practices for Conscious Activism

These are our Now Times. We’re here now, stepping through the rubble of false paradigms of safety, acceptance, freedom, sovereignty, equality, stewardship, collaboration and connection. Trampled, scattered, desecrated relics of the bubble dream of the Then Times.

Before You Make Resolutions…

Here’s the thing: Now is a great time to reflect on your life and on what you want to create and on who you want to be. And it is a great time to use that knowledge to fuel changes in behavior. New Year’s Eve reminds us to do this work.