The One & Done Energy Healing Myth
What does the cycle of cherry petals blooming and fading have to do with the myth of one & done energy healing treatments?
What does the cycle of cherry petals blooming and fading have to do with the myth of one & done energy healing treatments?
As the client moves from sovereignty and autonomy into thriving, their awareness is integrated, the trauma story is not forgotten, it’s simply not the driver of how the client engages with themselves, others, and their experiences. Healing continues from a joyful place of alignment and conscious awareness.
It’s a sacred privilege to witness clients as they begin to achieve a sense of self that is not defined by their trauma experience. These good people are finding their sovereignty, and actualizing a life they conscious choose instead of reacting from the energy of old stories and experiences.
When embodiment is assured, the active process of releasing the bound up energy of the traumatic events and experiences can commence. Energy clearing and release work is iterative, and focalized with an intention that speaks to healing, evolution and thriving.
When trauma occurs, one strategy or approach for managing the emotional chaos, upset and difficulty is to dissociate. In energetic terms, this is known as disembodiment. To heal from trauma, embodiment is essential.
Energy healers have healed their trauma Many who have healed from trauma in their own lives now serve as energy healing practitioners to support others to evolve beyond their trauma. A noble and understandable choice. Yet, trauma is complicated. There is no single measure of how bad someone’s trauma is, nor is there any single … Read more
This fall’s Path of an Energy Healer practitioner program cohort impressed me with their diligence, questions and insights, and their willingness to go deep and explore their vulnerability and wounds with the intention to heal and resolve them.
Yale and Energy Healing Institute invite you to participate in a study. Do you hear voices, see things that others don’t or have other perceptual experiences beyond the ordinary?
As practitioners, you know that energy flows where attention goes. You know how to advocate, speak the truth and hold space for evolution. You can be an energetic model for change. If you’re already active in your community, advocating for change, evolution, right action, so much gratitude to you. If you are not currently active, the invitation is extended to you.
Reiki is a reasonable start for exploring how energy informs health and wellness. For those who are ready to study energy healing deeply, move beyond Reiki. Taking the work up a few levels beyond Reiki is an important next step in becoming a practitioner who serves a wide spectrum of issues and people.
We just wrapped up 7 days of in-person training for EHI’s advanced practitioner program. Here are the themes that arose with this group.
How a chakra imbalance exacerbates your tendency to caretake others at your own expense.
You can use energy protocols for a variety of healing topics, such as letting go of invalidation; owning your worth; making lasting change in relationships; creating the life you want; or releasing negative beliefs about feeling unlovable.
Here’s a formula for creating lasting change through energy healing. The point of it being: to move the needle on issues so you’re evolving them, rather than continually repeating them.
What happens in the classroom? A recap from EHI’s Path of an Energy Healer Training.