practitioner burnout empathic healing

The Hidden Costs of Empathic Healing

A psychologist’s case of burnout: A PhD psychologist, she knew the implications of countertransference and maintained impeccable personal and professional boundaries. Yet she was burning out. This was at a critical juncture in her professional life. Burnout is common among healing professionals: bodyworkers, fitness and yoga instructors, Reiki Masters, spiritual counselors, tattoo artists. Because practitioners assist, support, advocate, advise and guide, they are often awash in their clients’ emotions.

energy healing practitioner

How Energy Practitioners Support Evolution

Practitioners in various modalities choose to integrate energy healing into their work because of the ubiquitous nature of energy as root cause of all disease, illness, mental, emotional and spiritual issues. Can a tree, bird, chair or person exist without energy? No. Not possible. Neither can an illness, disease or mental blockage. Whatever your expertise, energy is in the room with you.


You Already Read Energy

Clairvoyance is the ability to read energy visually. And while some have a natural ability, it’s not a gift. It’s a skill. And it truly can be learned.

The Hard Work is Upon Us

If you are an energy healing practitioner, bodyworker, therapist or any kind of healing practitioner, I know your clients are leaning heavily on you these days. I heard that leading up to the election, people who typically see their therapist once a month have gone once a week, and clients who typically schedule once a week are going every day. So, … Read more

Healer Hubris

It’s been a rough couple of weeks professionally. Here’s what I’ve witnessed: Situation 1 – a friend of a friend described her energy healing training to me. Here’s one major teaching she’s learned and practices: When walking down the street, shopping, hanging out in a park or bowling alley – scan and fix other people’s energy. … Read more

Meditation and Mental Illness

When Meditation Meets Mental Illness

Young, spiritual and lacking containment, anchoring I have often had the privilege of working with young spiritually inclined individuals – many high school and college aged. These amazing people are students of Hinduism, Buddhism, Sufism, Shamanism, Spiritualism and some include hallucinogenic plant medicines as part of their spiritual practice. Through meditation, ceremony, ritual these people … Read more

Ideas and Actualization

C.P., this post is dedicated to you and your ideas. C.P. brought such an interesting topic to his latest session with Chakra Khan.  He wanted to know how to galvanize his energy to manifest all of the amazing and great ideas he generates.  His days are filled with activities and tasks, like all of us.  … Read more

The Practitioner’s Dilemma, Part 2

Last week I wrote about practitioners who derail in their practices by having their personal energy set in such a way that they’re in their patient & client’s soup.  Not only is it depleting and exhausting to live that way, but energetically, it’s like wearing someone else’s workout clothes.  Ewwwww….. This week CK is going … Read more

The Practitioner’s Dilemma

Do you have any idea what it’s like to sit across from a patient (or client) in a therapeutic/healing  session and discover that what the patient is describing to you is what’s happening in your own life experience?  It happens all the time!  And it can be pretty challenging to say the least.  The reason … Read more

The Grace of Space

I’ve been taking a little space lately.  In lots of ways.  Space from my school and my practice.  Space from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.  Space from idle chitchat and meaningless conversation.  Space from socializing. Space. I took some more substantial space this past weekend, choosing to go on a retreat for rest, … Read more

Energetic Promiscuity

You’re salivating aren’t you?  Promiscuity?  This is going to be one juicy post!  What in the world could CK be alluding to with such a provocative title? Well, you’re definitely right, the title is titillating, and if it evokes the concept of doing you know what with lots of you know who’s, you’re on the … Read more

Keeping it Clean with Energy Hygiene

Keeping it Clean in your practice with Energy Hygiene

Energy hygiene is an essential practice for healers and practitioners to manage energetic countertransference and to avoid burnout. Beyond ‘highest possible good’, which is a concept, not a measurable frequency, energy hygiene keeps the practitioner’s neutrality in place, and minimizes enmeshment.