Stuck Sux

It sucks when you’re stuck.  And we’ve all been there. Bogged down. Effort & Pushing. Ennui & Passivity. Doesn’t matter. Stuck. Yet all of us have gotten unstuck. Moving. In flow. Praise be! What’s the formula for going from stuck to flow? Releasing attachment. Hanging a tapestry with industrial strength velcro was a simple task. … Read more

Manifestation – It’s Not For Sissies

CK doesn’t mean that exactly.  But CK does mean that manifestation is both entirely simple and overwhelmingly complex.  Thus, not for sissies. Simple: Intention + Attention + Energy = Manifestation Simple.  You choose what you want to create (intention).  You put your focus on the desired creation (attention).  You take appropriate steps and actions (energy). … Read more

Freedom From vs Freedom To

A colleague wrote a message to the members of a group that assembles bi-weekly to discuss business goals, objectives and projects and to ensure accountability for forward movement in our individual businesses.  It’s a fantastic group of people with diverse businesses, models and plans.  I feel privileged to be a part of this amazing process. … Read more

Don’t Worry. Be Happy.

Remember that song?  Sorry Bobby McFerrin – I mean no disrespect, but it is a really, really dumb song! And yet, the sentiment is on target.  CK’s already written about worry in a recent post – she riffed on a quote she found on Facebook – Worrying is like Praying…for what you don’t want to … Read more

Do Be Do Be Do

This past week I met with several stressed out, exhausted clients.  I heard: ‘I’m always running around,’ ‘I’m on 8 committees and they all demand a lot of support at year-end.’ ‘I’m traveling continuously; I haven’t been home for more than 3 days in 6 weeks.’ One client has rescheduled an appointment with me 5 … Read more

Further Lessons in Letting Go

The season of Festivus is upon us.  Have you noticed that sleigh bells ring every time the television comes on?  And as I write this, emails flow steadily into my Inbox – announcing Cyber Monday deals. I’m already longing for December 26 when the ads fade away and we go back to the normal besieging … Read more

Jill is on retreat this week

Chakra Khan is on retreat this week.  She can be found wandering island trails, swimming in the crystal blue ocean, perhaps even resting pool-side. CK is choosing to retreat and restore and let the blog rest for a week. The post for this week was going to be about Expectation vs. Expectancy. Expectation is wanting … Read more

Treasures & No See-ums – or Energy Flows Where Attention Goes

A recent lesson in attention and energy flow seems worth describing – perhaps a contribution to the discourse on attraction, attention, how energy works. If you’d like the backstory on this post, please see the Chakra Khan post, Messages, Passages, Assimilation.  It describes the recent experience I had cleaning out my parent’s house in anticipation … Read more

Harvesting Healings

Living in Southern Maine, CK is acutely aware that fall is enroute and winter is a tad behind that.  There’s a lot to do to get ready for the quiet and stillness of land at rest.  And the process of putting our teensy little farm to rest for the winter begins now. The summer veggies … Read more

Messages, Passages, Assimilation

Normally I prefer to use this space to talk about things other than myself.  It’s simpler, cleaner and less personal to reference the role of energy without tying it back to my experiences. Bear with me, this week’s post is personal. I spent the last few days clearing out my parent’s home.  My father passed … Read more

Anxiety Needn’t Hijack Your Life!

One of Energy Healing Institute’s recent students is anticipating a major life change – he’s moving across the country to complete his college degree. He wrote me about his upcoming move, stating that his head plays games with him when he contemplates big changes, causing him to feel anxious, overwhelmed. It made me smile, not … Read more

Worrying is Like Praying

Worrying is Like Praying… Well, that was just a partial statement, hence the …. Here’s the rest of the statement: Worrying is Like Praying…for something you don’t want to happen! My friend and co-beekeeper Sue sent me that quote earlier this week. It came on the heels of a meeting with a client, Lucy. Lucy … Read more

Diving into your Dogma

What do you believe?  Do you believe what you believe?  Honey, I’ve got to tell you, we all think some crazy stuff, and when we believe the crazy stuff we think, we set worlds of energy into motion. Dogma can be stultifying, sticky.  You can end up thinking through a lens that is clouded with … Read more

Send Your Shame up in Flames

Well, by now you all realize that I devoted two entire posts to guilt (which you can find here and here).  I have no problems with that, and I’m not justifying a thing.  All I can say is that shame deserves equal time. So what’s the thing with shame?  Why are shame-fests so common?  What’s … Read more