Energy Healing Institute



CK’s been thinking about containment lately.  Containing energy, emotion, response, impulse. There’s been a hiatus in the blog; I’ve been containing.  When everything is held close, what is there to say or to share?  It felt aligned to cease writing during my containment. It’s been an interesting and flourishing experience to contain my energy, emotion, … Read more


What a beautiful word. Whole-ing. It evokes the promise of completion, evolution, new beginnings. Living into a new state of wholeness. Whole-ing also speaks to process; the journey, the ride. I love Whole-ing. CK’s Webster’s: Whole-ing. Verb: A conscious individual’s ongoing creation of experiences cultivating growth, learning, healing. Through Whole-ing, causal energy is articulated, acknowledged … Read more

Manifestation – It’s Not For Sissies

CK doesn’t mean that exactly.  But CK does mean that manifestation is both entirely simple and overwhelmingly complex.  Thus, not for sissies. Simple: Intention + Attention + Energy = Manifestation Simple.  You choose what you want to create (intention).  You put your focus on the desired creation (attention).  You take appropriate steps and actions (energy). … Read more

Intention, Attention: Energy

You know, I’m beginning to think I’m writing a Manifestation Manifesto with this series of posts. First there was Intention: Attention, then there was Attention: Intention. Now we’re focusing on the glue that brings it all together. Energy. Energy is currency – the currency of manifest experience. To create, manifest, make real, energy is an … Read more

Intention: Attention

Yes, there’s more to manifestation and creative collaboration with the Universe than setting an intention. (If you missed last week’s post, you might want to read it first.) An intention is a clear, distinct point of focus. It’s a defining objective around which actions, decisions and attention revolve. Yes, attention. Question: what exactly are you … Read more

Attention: Intention

If energy flows where attention goes, what role does intention play?

Do you attend to what you’d like to create? Or do you attend to what you don’t want to create?

Here’s some things CK’s heard recently from clients and students:

  • I don’t want to work at my dead-end job anymore.
  • I am tired of being broke and having no disposable income.
  • I want to meet someone through online dating who isn’t a loser.
  • I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired.

Yup. Negative intentions. Every last one of them. What’s interesting about this? Each person was sharing what they’re continually creating and DON’T WANT. What’s also interesting? These negative intentions can easily be turned into positive intentions. Like this:

  • I am actively pursuing work opportunities that offer growth, new learning and professional advancement.
  • I generate positive cash flow and savings through effective money management and attention to my finances.
  • I attract people who resonate with me and my interests.
  • I am healthy, vibrant, whole and vital.

Yup. Positive intentions. Every last one of them.

Now, here’s the thing:

You can SAY anything you want – negative or positive. (Really, CK has no ability to change what you say.) BUT YOU CAN. What you SAY makes a difference.

And know this:

Even if you SAY everything in positive, affirmative words, terms and tone, if you BELIEVE something different, your affirmations and intentions are just words.

Dammit, CK! Do you mean to say that I have to pay attention to both what I SAY and what I BELIEVE?

What do you want to create?
What do you want to create?

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Taking Care

Chakra Khan is taking care. Right now. Taking care to let the muse rest and regenerate. Taking care to nurture a healing heart. Taking care to honor passages large and small. Taking care to meditate, clear energy, exercise, eat cleanly, breathe. Taking care of business transitions. Taking care. So many passages. Two young, beautiful, beloved … Read more

Meditation and Mental Illness

When Meditation Meets Mental Illness

Young, spiritual and lacking containment, anchoring I have often had the privilege of working with young spiritually inclined individuals – many high school and college aged. These amazing people are students of Hinduism, Buddhism, Sufism, Shamanism, Spiritualism and some include hallucinogenic plant medicines as part of their spiritual practice. Through meditation, ceremony, ritual these people … Read more

The Best of Humanity

An additional Chakra Khan post comes out today on the #bealeader blog.  Titled Power Up! The Energetics of Leadership This is a summary of a Remote Collective Healing emailed to the 120+ known participants held on Tuesday, 4/16/2013, the day following the explosion at the Boston Marathon.  My gratitude to the participants for joining in … Read more

Good Grief

Once in a while someone will ask me if energy healing is a substitute or work around to help avoid feeling emotions.  Yeah, I know, interesting question. When the question arises, it’s often about wanting to avoid feeling anger.  Many folks have an aversion to anger because it’s a powerful emotion, and can become a … Read more

Ideas and Actualization

C.P., this post is dedicated to you and your ideas. C.P. brought such an interesting topic to his latest session with Chakra Khan.  He wanted to know how to galvanize his energy to manifest all of the amazing and great ideas he generates.  His days are filled with activities and tasks, like all of us.  … Read more

Radical Self-Care

Radical Self-Care was the theme discussed Sunday morning at #spiritchat, a tweetchat I have begun to regularly attend.  There are some great people who participate each week, and some interesting questions are asked and answered. It may be helpful to read Janet Nestor’s wonderful post, Nurturing Wellness through Radical Self-Care to set the tone for this … Read more

The Practitioner’s Dilemma, Part 2

Last week I wrote about practitioners who derail in their practices by having their personal energy set in such a way that they’re in their patient & client’s soup.  Not only is it depleting and exhausting to live that way, but energetically, it’s like wearing someone else’s workout clothes.  Ewwwww….. This week CK is going … Read more

The Practitioner’s Dilemma

Do you have any idea what it’s like to sit across from a patient (or client) in a therapeutic/healing  session and discover that what the patient is describing to you is what’s happening in your own life experience?  It happens all the time!  And it can be pretty challenging to say the least.  The reason … Read more

Unbundling Thought-Bundles

Last week I heard from a client who was carrying around all kinds of negative emotional energy.  She had these thoughts and emotions wired up as really big, powerful and pervasive.  It was all she could see, feel, hear and sense about herself.  She told me that she felt frightened, scared and overwhelmed. Bless her … Read more