A Mother and Son Earn their Wings
Being a single mother is a challenging role – because it has multiple roles! Energy healing supported Ellen Donaldson as she embraced the role and its teachings, and Tom grew and flew.
Being a single mother is a challenging role – because it has multiple roles! Energy healing supported Ellen Donaldson as she embraced the role and its teachings, and Tom grew and flew.
The shift from focusing on the disease and its symptomology to aligning with health, vitality and healing is spiritual warriorship.
Practitioners: Diminish burnout and increase client impact – energy strategies that yield results!
Emotional resilience is achieved by acknowledging the triggers from your story and releasing them. An upcoming live workshop offered by Jill Leigh.
When you learn to apply seven keys for consciously manifesting, you become a powerful, conscious creator! The keys are: Intention, alignment, clarity, observation, right action, focus & your beliefs.
Often the anxiety and perfectionism pattern begins in childhood. Subtle or overt pressure to perform, succeed, win at all costs. No one is perfect, and no one needs to be! The corresponding anxiety when perfection is not attained drives the perfectionism into higher gear. And around it goes. With conscious awareness and energy clearing you can free yourself from the anxiety and perfectionism pattern, and you’re definitely worth it!
When trauma is experienced, embodiment can be sacrificed as a strategic coping mechanism for ensuring emotional survival. When the danger has passed, it’s important to return to embodied awareness so that healing and resolution can occur.
Sovereignty is absolute. This universal principle gets muddied in New Age spiritual myths, where psychic interference, voodoo and black magic are perceived as more powerful than the individual’s sovereignty.
What does the cycle of cherry petals blooming and fading have to do with the myth of one & done energy healing treatments?
I’m a firm believer that HSPs/Empaths, (highly sensitive persons) are products of traumatic experiences in their early lives. In 30 years, I’ve never met one who didn’t have the difficult childhood story that framed the HSP patterns. If sovereignty is absolute, and thankfully, it is, no one needs to be defined by their story. Energy healing is a story changer!
When we understand that our dysfunctional patterns, behaviors, issues, relationships often repeat themselves, even as we work to move beyond them, we can let ourselves off the hook. Healing is a spiral, you’ll come back to the same themes and issues repeatedly, clear them out and meet them again. Eventually you’ll shift the patterns completely. Be nice to yourself, clear your energy, and acknowledge the spiral!
When we talk about someone having ‘bad energy’, we miss the entire point of owning our choices, and understanding resonance, perspective and preference. Bad energy is a New Age fallacy and can generate lazy thinking and inappropriate judgments of others.
The common denominator in every relationship you have is you. Learn to shift how you show up, engage and interact in difficult relationships.
Here’s a formula for creating lasting change through energy healing. The point of it being: to move the needle on issues so you’re evolving them, rather than continually repeating them.
What happens in the classroom? A recap from EHI’s Path of an Energy Healer Training.