Triggered? Let’s Clear That

If you know what patterns, behaviors and triggers you’ve got, but don’t know what to do to effect a change, you’re at their mercy until you figure out how to release them. So, would you rather live with them or release them?


Using Your Energy for Conscious Activism

Which Chakra Fuels Your Activism?

Feeling Outraged? Scared? Disenfranchised? With the change in politics, are you called to act? Check yourself so that your activism is conscious, clear and coherent.

I hold myself and my practitioners accountable for being the change. Collapse is not an option. Yet, lashing out is not an option, either. Meeting hatred-laced vitriol with hatred-laced opposition is not an option.

Make no mistake. We’ve passed the time for ranting. So, while you have your rage, despair, grief and terror, stay conscious of how you use that fuel. Your feelings matter, deeply and fully. They are your catalyzing fuel.

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A Word on Worldviews

The recent Presidential election has upended values, assumptions and beliefs that many hold dear. It’s hard to avoid the firestorm of reaction, despair, anger and fear resulting from the election.

My work does not include the role of political analyst or pundit. Praise be! My work is to teach coherence. To help people understand how to notice and observe the ways in which their thoughts and beliefs, their inner landscape, actualizes in their life experience, in their worldview.

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The Hard Work is Upon Us

If you are an energy healing practitioner, bodyworker, therapist or any kind of healing practitioner, I know your clients are leaning heavily on you these days. I heard that leading up to the election, people who typically see their therapist once a month have gone once a week, and clients who typically schedule once a week are going every day. So, … Read more

Break Bad Habits

Got Persistent Bad Habits? What To Do…

What does choosing chocolate ice cream when you’d rather have vanilla have to do with spiritual bypass? Well, nothing unless you look behind the scenes at the behaviors that are driving the choice you didn’t want to make! When life is all about spirituality, but self-reflection and conscious awareness are absent, spiritual bypass is a given.

Perspectives on Illness & Life

Penny has a serious diagnosis Penny is my English bulldog. She’s got digestive issues that causes her to regurgitate her food frequently. On a good day, once or twice. On a bad day? Ten times or more.   The problem emerged last fall, shortly before I traveled overseas on vacation. While away, I had several … Read more

How About a Drama-Fast Instead of a Drama-Fest?

Do Holidays Amp You Up? Do you deal through drama this time of the year? Do you find yourself rolling your eyes, clasping your hands to your head as you settle in to a salacious gab with friends and colleagues about all of the stresses and strains during the holidays? The family drama, the shopping … Read more

Hitting the Energetic Mother Lode

From Story to Selfhood What a gift to move beyond story to the ‘bearable lightness of being’ (co-opting and modifying a movie title). This lightness of being occurs when we turn inward to the heart, opening to the temple of our spirit. For some, a sudden and profound spiritual awakening occurs as this inward journey … Read more

There’s No Blissing Out in Spiritual Emergence

Spiritual Emergence (or Emergency) This past Thursday I listened to a Blab with Blair Glaser and her guests. The topic — New Age myths. One of myths discussed – being blissed out — people who are so full of sweetness and light and relentless positive thinking that they don’t actually show up and take action … Read more


The Power of Be-coming Witnessing growth and evolution in EHI’s classroom is a powerful thing. I was reminded of this as I reflected on an 8-day training that recently wrapped up in New Mexico. People came to the training with open hearts and minds, and left 8 days later knowing that they had changed. That the … Read more

Are You Holding the Emotional Bag for Others?

A case for self-containment You can only understand people if you feel them in yourself. John Steinbeck, East of Eden I trust I’m not the only person on the planet who is utterly repelled by Steinbeck’s quote. You don’t really believe this, do you? I believe there’s far too much emphasis on ‘feeling peoples feelings’ … Read more

Blind Faith & Healing

Blind Faith Recently, a Practitioner emailed a question resulting from a meditative exploration of belief systems in EHI’s Online Course on Manifestation. Many of EHI’s courses help practitioners explore and expand conscious awareness, deepening the efficacy and breadth of their client practice. It’s tough to hold space for healing without a practical understanding of the … Read more