Resolving Chronic Fatigue Syndrome with Energy Healing
My story of resolving Chronic Fatigue Syndrome through energy regulation, energy clearing, and acknowledging and resolving repressed emotions.
My story of resolving Chronic Fatigue Syndrome through energy regulation, energy clearing, and acknowledging and resolving repressed emotions.
Sovereignty is absolute. This universal principle gets muddied in New Age spiritual myths, where psychic interference, voodoo and black magic are perceived as more powerful than the individual’s sovereignty.
Got an ADHD diagnosis? Or suspect that this is your issue? So many good people medicate the symptoms of ADHD because they don’t know how energy healing skills and tools can diminish the input and overwhelm, the anxiety and sensory over-stimuation. With a bit of energy and effort, ADHD can be in your rear view mirror.
What does the cycle of cherry petals blooming and fading have to do with the myth of one & done energy healing treatments?
I’m a firm believer that HSPs/Empaths, (highly sensitive persons) are products of traumatic experiences in their early lives. In 30 years, I’ve never met one who didn’t have the difficult childhood story that framed the HSP patterns. If sovereignty is absolute, and thankfully, it is, no one needs to be defined by their story. Energy healing is a story changer!
When we understand that our dysfunctional patterns, behaviors, issues, relationships often repeat themselves, even as we work to move beyond them, we can let ourselves off the hook. Healing is a spiral, you’ll come back to the same themes and issues repeatedly, clear them out and meet them again. Eventually you’ll shift the patterns completely. Be nice to yourself, clear your energy, and acknowledge the spiral!