Manifestation – It’s Not For Sissies

CK doesn’t mean that exactly.  But CK does mean that manifestation is both entirely simple and overwhelmingly complex.  Thus, not for sissies. Simple: Intention + Attention + Energy = Manifestation Simple.  You choose what you want to create (intention).  You put your focus on the desired creation (attention).  You take appropriate steps and actions (energy). … Read more

Intention, Attention: Energy

You know, I’m beginning to think I’m writing a Manifestation Manifesto with this series of posts. First there was Intention: Attention, then there was Attention: Intention. Now we’re focusing on the glue that brings it all together. Energy. Energy is currency – the currency of manifest experience. To create, manifest, make real, energy is an … Read more

Intention: Attention

Yes, there’s more to manifestation and creative collaboration with the Universe than setting an intention. (If you missed last week’s post, you might want to read it first.) An intention is a clear, distinct point of focus. It’s a defining objective around which actions, decisions and attention revolve. Yes, attention. Question: what exactly are you … Read more

Attention: Intention

If energy flows where attention goes, what role does intention play?

Do you attend to what you’d like to create? Or do you attend to what you don’t want to create?

Here’s some things CK’s heard recently from clients and students:

  • I don’t want to work at my dead-end job anymore.
  • I am tired of being broke and having no disposable income.
  • I want to meet someone through online dating who isn’t a loser.
  • I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired.

Yup. Negative intentions. Every last one of them. What’s interesting about this? Each person was sharing what they’re continually creating and DON’T WANT. What’s also interesting? These negative intentions can easily be turned into positive intentions. Like this:

  • I am actively pursuing work opportunities that offer growth, new learning and professional advancement.
  • I generate positive cash flow and savings through effective money management and attention to my finances.
  • I attract people who resonate with me and my interests.
  • I am healthy, vibrant, whole and vital.

Yup. Positive intentions. Every last one of them.

Now, here’s the thing:

You can SAY anything you want – negative or positive. (Really, CK has no ability to change what you say.) BUT YOU CAN. What you SAY makes a difference.

And know this:

Even if you SAY everything in positive, affirmative words, terms and tone, if you BELIEVE something different, your affirmations and intentions are just words.

Dammit, CK! Do you mean to say that I have to pay attention to both what I SAY and what I BELIEVE?

What do you want to create?
What do you want to create?

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The Best of Humanity

An additional Chakra Khan post comes out today on the #bealeader blog.  Titled Power Up! The Energetics of Leadership This is a summary of a Remote Collective Healing emailed to the 120+ known participants held on Tuesday, 4/16/2013, the day following the explosion at the Boston Marathon.  My gratitude to the participants for joining in … Read more

Radical Self-Care

Radical Self-Care was the theme discussed Sunday morning at #spiritchat, a tweetchat I have begun to regularly attend.  There are some great people who participate each week, and some interesting questions are asked and answered. It may be helpful to read Janet Nestor’s wonderful post, Nurturing Wellness through Radical Self-Care to set the tone for this … Read more

Well, Isn’t That Special?

Remember Dana Carvey as Church Lady and that line from Saturday Night Live?  It went viral before we knew what it meant to go viral.  Want to hear it again? Let’s reframe that line just a bit into, Well, Aren’t You Special.  Why?  Because it works for the post, that’s why.  Moving on… A friend … Read more

How to Avoid Your Life

My, doesn’t this sound like an evolved thing to do?  Avoid Your Life.  Sign me up!  How do I do this and do it well?  It’s got to be an involved, intricate process to avoid your life, right? Sadly, not really.  There’s a lot of ways to get it done.  And we’ll review the top … Read more

Serendipitous Manifestation

Four months ago, CK developed a pain in her left shoulder that eventually led to a frozen shoulder.  There’s lots and lots to talk about here with the mind-body connection, but at the moment, the focus is on Serendipitous Manifestation, so hang on to the mind-body concepts for a later post – like next week’s, … Read more

Freedom From vs Freedom To

A colleague wrote a message to the members of a group that assembles bi-weekly to discuss business goals, objectives and projects and to ensure accountability for forward movement in our individual businesses.  It’s a fantastic group of people with diverse businesses, models and plans.  I feel privileged to be a part of this amazing process. … Read more

Perusing Purpose

Purpose.  It’s such an interesting concept – and one that the New Age has turned into a questing, why am I here inquiry within many folks who have rejected religious dogma and embraced spirituality. There are even spiritual advisers out there who will tell people what their purpose is, why they incarnated at this time.  … Read more

Embrace It to Fix It

You know those parts of yourself that you don’t like?  The snarky attitude you assume, the judging tone of voice you use, the way you procrastinate, the ways that you derail your progress when you get scared of change.  Whatever your bugaboos are – do you embrace them?  Or do you push them away, to … Read more

The Heart is the Fulcrum

Doctors know that the heart has a larger, more vibrant electromagnetic field than the brain.  The heart is in the center of the body, nestled in with the lungs, the arteries and veins, and the organs that nourish the blood through the digestion of the food that the body consumes. The heart is a center … Read more

Jill is on retreat this week

Chakra Khan is on retreat this week.  She can be found wandering island trails, swimming in the crystal blue ocean, perhaps even resting pool-side. CK is choosing to retreat and restore and let the blog rest for a week. The post for this week was going to be about Expectation vs. Expectancy. Expectation is wanting … Read more

You’re the Creator; You’re the Creation

This past weekend a group of students at EHI’s Energy Awareness training were working with the Clairvoyance System and viewing energy.  This particular weekend of EHI’s trainings generates a lot of fascinating dialogue about energy, consciousness, and the individual’s role in manifesting his or her experience. The participants have increased familiarity with one another, as … Read more