A Word on Worldviews

The recent Presidential election has upended values, assumptions and beliefs that many hold dear. It’s hard to avoid the firestorm of reaction, despair, anger and fear resulting from the election.

My work does not include the role of political analyst or pundit. Praise be! My work is to teach coherence. To help people understand how to notice and observe the ways in which their thoughts and beliefs, their inner landscape, actualizes in their life experience, in their worldview.

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Meet. Greet. Complete.

Meet The issue, person, emotion, physical pain, mental musing, spiritual crisis head on.  Straight up. Say hello. Invite it in. Even if it terrifies you.   Greet The underlying story, the root cause analysis, the underbrush and move in to the work. Yes, exactly.  Just do it. A meet and greet is just that – … Read more

Stuck Sux

It sucks when you’re stuck.  And we’ve all been there. Bogged down. Effort & Pushing. Ennui & Passivity. Doesn’t matter. Stuck. Yet all of us have gotten unstuck. Moving. In flow. Praise be! What’s the formula for going from stuck to flow? Releasing attachment. Hanging a tapestry with industrial strength velcro was a simple task. … Read more

Serendipitous Manifestation

Four months ago, CK developed a pain in her left shoulder that eventually led to a frozen shoulder.  There’s lots and lots to talk about here with the mind-body connection, but at the moment, the focus is on Serendipitous Manifestation, so hang on to the mind-body concepts for a later post – like next week’s, … Read more

Further Lessons in Letting Go

The season of Festivus is upon us.  Have you noticed that sleigh bells ring every time the television comes on?  And as I write this, emails flow steadily into my Inbox – announcing Cyber Monday deals. I’m already longing for December 26 when the ads fade away and we go back to the normal besieging … Read more

Anxiety Needn’t Hijack Your Life!

One of Energy Healing Institute’s recent students is anticipating a major life change – he’s moving across the country to complete his college degree. He wrote me about his upcoming move, stating that his head plays games with him when he contemplates big changes, causing him to feel anxious, overwhelmed. It made me smile, not … Read more

Fairy Tale Relationships

Relationships are tricky.  They can really trigger our stuff.  Why is that?  I mean, if we love someone, we should find him or her to be compatible, yes?  As a couple, you blend, they zig when we zig and they zag when we zag. Yeah, the stuff of fairy tales. But come to think of … Read more

Mine vs. Not Mine

What an important concept to consider when thinking about energy healing.  Mine vs. Not Mine.  Why?  Why is it so important? Because the energy body is a porous thing, lovies.  Energy flows in and out through the permeable boundaries of the electromagnetic field or aura.  If you’re out and about, doing your life and you’re … Read more

Cease, Desist, no need to Resist, Part 2

Last week I offered several strategies for working with resistance – a key factor in energy healing.  When we resist, we defer healing.  We stay stuck.  We can’t unplug from old patterns, behaviors, thoughts or actions because we’ve got our feet planted in the cement of THE WAY IT IS NOW. When I looked up … Read more

A story about The Void and Manifestation

One day a woman woke up from her current state of awareness and realized that she was definitely doing her work in the world, but not in the way that she wanted. After a month or two alternating between a self-recriminating slug-fest and the terror of ‘what next’, she surrendered and entered the Void. Soon … Read more